2024 Summer Games: Olympic zones disrupt parcel deliveries in Paris.

Tubs Parts privacy policies

Like any business that cares about its customers, we keep track of who you are and what you buy. All our data is stored on servers located in secure web hosting facilities in the EU. You are welcome to see the information we keep about your account at any time; in fact you can see it right now by clicking on the Your Account button at the top of the page. We have to give your delivery address, an email address and a telephone number to the company that delivers your order, but we will never pass on your information to any one else.

We have no access to your credit card details, because they are transmitted directly from you to the payment site over a secure channel. We also don't know your Tubs Parts password, which is transmitted and stored in an encrypted form.

Like all large web sites, we depend on an essential cookie to provide a secure connection to the web site and to maintain the contents of your shopping basket while you navigate from page to page. We do not use any non-essential cookies, or any cookies provided by outside companies.

Our polcies are fully compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have any concerns about our data, or about our privacy policies in general, please get in touch.